My child was born in a hospital in Gurgaon . She doesn't have AAdhar card. Is it mandatory for birth certificate application ?

Ans : No. Aadhar card is no longer mandatory for the application process of birth certificate in Gurgaon. 

I have only enrollment no. of Aadhar of my daughter . Would it be sufficient for the birth certificate application requirement of the child ?

Ans : Yes, enrollment no. of the Aadhar no. of the child would suffice the requirement of Aadhar card for birth certificate of the child.

I am in currently in USA. My child was born in Gurgaon. I need birth certificate of the child.  Do I need to be physically present for the birth certificate application in Gurgaon ?

Ans : Your physical presence is not required. Itzeazy can get it done for you. Only you need to share soft copy of the required documents.      

There is correction required in the birth certificate of mine. Do Itzeazy helps in correction of birth certificate ?

Ans: Yes , Itzeazy helps in correction of birth certificate as well . For detail pls contact our relationship executive.

I have a old hand written birth certificate issued from Municipal corporation Gurgaon . How can I get computerized online birth certificate in Gurgaon. 

Ans : You can apply for reissue of birth certificate . It will be digital and online. 

How is Itzeazy better than any other birth certificate agent in Gurgaon?

Ans : Itzeazy is a reputed startups in this segment and better than any other birth certificate agent in Gurgaon in the following aspects :

  • Its guided by professional ethics
  • We adhere by SLAs
  • Your documents and money are safe with us
  • Total peace of mind

​Is Aadhar number is compulsory for Birth/Death Registration?

Ans: No as per RGI guidelines aadhar number is not compulsory.

Can private hospital register birth and death events after 21 days of event occurred?

Ans: No, Private hospitals should register and confirm events within 21 days of event occurred.

How to get birth certificate from Gurgaon Municipal Corporation ?

Ans : Application for birth certificate in Gurgaon should be submitted to Gurgaon municipal corporation.

Its 2 stage process and you need to apply twice

  1. First you will get birth certificate without name
  2. After that you will get birth certificate

How can I add my name to my birth certificate in Gurgaon ?

Ans : You need to apply for name addition in birth certificate in Gurgaon municipal corporation.

In the process you will have have to make affidavit and submit application along with supporting documents and requisite fees .
Process takes 1 month time and you will get birth certificate with name

How many days it will take to get birth certificate in Gurgaon?

Ans : It takes approx. 30 days time to get birth certificate in Gurgaon. 

How can I get duplicate birth certificate in Gurgaon?

Ans : To get duplicate birth certificate in Gurgaon, you will have to apply for duplicate birth certificate in the concerned municipal corporation office of  Gurgaon. 

Process takes approx. 1 month time .

My child has birth certificate without name. We are applying for new passport for my child. Will birth certificate without name will suffice the requirement of date of birth proof ?

Ans : Name of the child should be mentioned in the birth certificate to work it as valid proof of date of birth. Birth certificate without name will not be sufficient document. So, its advisable to get name included in the birth certificate before applying for passport.  

Do Itzeazy provides apostille of birth certificate service in Gurgaon ?

Ans : Yes, Itzeazy provides apostille of birth certificate service in Gurgaon for all countries.

Is handwritten birth certificate valid?

Ans : Yes, handwritten birth certificate is valid. But some time you may be asked to prove the genuinity of the birth certificate. So, its advisable to get a digital birth certificate . It can be verified online, Once you get digital birth certificate. 

Is a birth certificate without a name valid?

Ans : Birth certificate without name is not valid for practical reasons. Without name it would be difficult to prove birth certificate belongs to which person.


  • If Birth took place in hospital , following procedure is to be followed to get birth certificate

  • Submit an application for a birth certificate without a name, along with supporting documentation, to the Gurgaon municipality office.

  • Deposit the required government fees for a birth certificate at the counter.

  • Get the receipt for application submission

  • Collect physical copy of birth certificate without name from the Municipal corporation of Gurgaon

  • Make an affidavit for the child's name incorporation

  • Submit an application for a birth certificate with your name, as well as supporting documents and an affidavit, to the appropriate MCG office.

  • Deposit  requisite Govt. fees at the counter

  • Get receipt for submission of the application

  • Collect birth certificate with name after one month​

100 % success rate

Book order directly through the given link in the bottom of the page. For any query or concern please speak to one of the consultants over phone or chat. You can also drop a message . We will get back to you shortly.



birth certificate gurgaon faq
birth certificate gurgaon faq
birth certificate gurgaon

Birth certificate Service in Gurgaon​

Itzeazy provides assistance  in 

1) New Birth certificate

  • Birth certificate without name
  • Birth certificate with name

2) Duplicate birth certificate

3) correction of birth certificate


Following are the steps to apply for birth certificate : 

  • Share your requirements with Itzeazy team

  • Make advance payment and book order
  • Share soft copy of the documents
  • Affidavits will be prepared by Itzeazy and application will be filed
  • Document verification and application processing
  • Issue of birth certificate



📌  Faster processing - We make the Birth certificate process faster 
📌  Guaranteed service - Get guarantee success with Itzeazy
📌  No hidden cost - Transparent pricing
📌  Accurate guidance - We have the knowledge and experience to make the process smooth and stress-free
📌  Our presence - Apply for services from anywhere in India, always open for you
📌  Door step service - Document pickup & drop from the convenience of your home
📌  Safety & Confidentiality - Your privacy is out utmost priority 

Birth Certificate Agent Gurgaon ​

Looking for birth certificate agent in Gurgaon ? Want to apply for Birth certificate Gurgaon online ? Itzeazy provides service for Birth certificate online in Gurgaon.  Itzeazy makes applying for a birth certificate online in Gurgaon simple. It assists with the entire birth certificate Gurgaon procedure, including the preparation of essential paper work.

Itzeazy makes Birth certificate process faster 

Itzeazy's online birth certificate Gurgaon process is simple, and applying for a birth certificate online in Gurgaon has never been easier. It is a door step service .

birth certificate gurgaon


Documents required for birth certificate in Gurgaon

Following are the documents required for birth certificate in Gurgaon

  1. Hospital discharge summary
  2. Child's Adhar card
  3. Child's 10th certificate if he/she has passed it 
  4. ID proof of mother
  5. ID proof of father
  6. Affidavit for name addition in the birth certificate

Birth certificate office in Gurgaon

The birth certificate offices in Gurgaon are listed below. A birth certificate in Gurgaon should be applied for at the Municipal Corporation office Gurgaon in the jurisdiction where the child was born.

Municipal Corporation Gurgaon
25, Jharsa Road
Opposite civil hospital
Roshan Pura, Gurugram, 
Haryana 122007

Municipal Corporation Gurgaon
54P, HUDA Market Rd, 
Block B, Sector 56, 
Haryana 122011


The RBD Act, 1969 is a Central Act to promote uniformity and comparability in the registration of Births, Stillbirths and Deaths and has been framed to register the said events at the place of occurrence.


The salient features and provisions of the RBD Act, 1969 are as under:

Registration of Births and Deaths is compulsory

Births mean live birth and still birth

Uniform law for reporting and registration of all births and deaths occurring within the country 

Birth events to be registered by the Registrar at the place of occurrence and within her / his jurisdiction 

Allows registration beyond the prescribed period of 21 days 

Allows registration of birth without name of child and for addition of name at a later date [Maximum period prescribed in

the Rules for subsequent addition of name is 15 years]

Allows for correction or cancellation of entry in the birth register 

Provision for imposing penalties for non-reporting / non-registration and negligence 

Registers of births and deaths to be kept as permanent records

The Act allows registration of Births that had occurred even prior to enactment of the Act 

Uses of birth certificate

  • For deriving benefits under social welfare schemes
  • First right of the child
  • To establish identity
  • Conclusive proof of age
  • Care and protection of juveniles
  • Admission to school
  • Preparing driving license, passport, etc.
  • Proof for right to vote
  • Entry into the National Population Register


Every birth occurred should be reported and recorded within 21 days from the date of birth to the concerned authority. The persons responsible for reporting birth are :

When the Birth has taken place in a house 

Head of the house or nearest relative of the head of the House or oldest person in the family

When the Birth was taken place outside the house

- In a Hospital/Health Centre, Maternity Home or other like institutions -  Medical Officer In charge or any officer

  authorised by him.

- In a Jail  - Jail In charge

- In a Hotel, Dharmshala, Boarding House etc. - Person In charge

- In a Moving Vehicle Person -  In charge of the Vehicle

- Found deserted in a public place -  Headman of the Village/In charge of the local police station




A correction letter is required from Medical Record Officer of concerned hospital/institution, where birth event occurred along with supporting documents for events, of less than 10yr old.


For Birth event > 10 yr old

i) Affidavit stamp paper on Rs.10/- duly attested by SDM/Notary public having subject correction of birth events.
ii) Supporting document like Passport, Ration Card, Voter Identity Card, 10th class certificate etc.

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